★★★★★ Top Tailor-made Birding, Wildlife and Photography Tours & Highly recommended in Trip Advisor!!

Jimenita Giant Hummingbird Reserve

Our Jimenita "Giant Hummingbird Reserve" is located within Hacienda Jimenita Lodge near the town of Pifo. Its a private reserve of 15 acres and is divided into Hummingbird and Tanager Feeders, Crimson-mantled Woodpecker Eucaliptus Forest Trails and Churoloma Birding Reserve with Observation Tower. There are over 123 registered bird species and you can observe at least 30 bird species within 2 or 3 hours! Its a hidden gem only 15 minutes away from Quito Airport and 30 minutes from the Capital, Quito. It is only possible to visit this reserve with reservation of our tours or lodging. 

  • Location: 15 minutes from Quito Airport near the town of Pifo
  • Elevation: around 2,500 meters or 8,200 feet 
  • Type of Photo Feeders: Vermillion Flycatcher Feeder, Tanager Feeders, Brush-finch Feeders, Hummingbird Feeders, Observation Tower
  • Focus: Birding and Photography 

Some of the frequent bird species at this reserve include Giant Hummingbird, Western Emerald, Black-tailed Trainbearer, White-bellied Woodstar, Sparkling Violetear, Great Thrush, Blue and Yellow Tanager, Golden Grossbeak, Rusty Flowerpiercer, Tropical Mockingbird, Masked Flowerpiercer, Blue and White Swallow, Harris Hawk, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Black Vulture, Crimson-mantled Woodpecker, Shiny Cowbird, Yellow-bellied Seedeater, Strike-throated Bush-tyrant, Vermillion Flycatcher, Hooded Siskin, American Kestrel, Azara's Spinetail, Buff-breasted Mountain Tanager, Grey-browed Brushfinch and others. 

Book your Tailor-made Birding & Photography Tours in Ecuador! Contact Us for more information. 

  • Sunset from the Reserve

    Sunset from the Reserve

  • Giant Hummingbird

    Giant Hummingbird

  • Hacienda Jimenita Reserve

    Hacienda Jimenita Reserve

  • Hacienda Jimenita Grounds

    Hacienda Jimenita Grounds

  • Streak-throated Bush-tyrant

    Streak-throated Bush-tyrant

  • Golden Grosbeak

    Golden Grosbeak

    Birding Tours Ecuador Return to Our Reserves

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